Thursday, June 14, 2012

Matrimonial Life - Sachin

Dear Sachin,

Did the problem in married life start after 27Feb12?

Prashna indicates that you need to balance the situation till 3Sep2013.

Prayer to MahaGanapathi would provide relief at the earliest.

Good luck

Time of Judgement   9  6  2012         :  19  40                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Jup,Ket,Jup,Ven

Mo  :  Aq Saturn[1, 5, 6, ]-Mars[12, 3, 8, ]-Venus[9, 2, 9, ]-Moon[5, 11, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Ta Venus[9, 2, 9, ]-Moon[5, 11, ]-Venus[9, 2, 9, ]-Moon[5, 11, ]

1H : Vi Mercury[9, 1, 10, ]-Moon[5, 11, ]-Jupiter[8, 4, 7, ]-Sun[9, 12, ]
Query justified

7H : Pi Jupiter[8, 4, 7, ]-Saturn[1, 5, 6, ]-Rahu[2, ]-Saturn[1, 5, 6, ]

11H : Ca Moon[5, 11, ]-Saturn[1, 5, 6, ]-Rahu[2, ]-Saturn[1, 5, 6, ]
Your desire will be fulfilled.

Mars    Moon    Moon    Moon    3-Sep-13

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