Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nisha_SisterMarriage - Indicated between 20Mar12 to 29Mar12

Dear Nisha,

Prashna analysis shows that the marriage of your elder sister got stopped
due to dispute (6Ma). Saturn sitting on the 7H usually delays the marriage.
Considering the positive side of prashna, the pretha shapa of your maternal
uncle (as Gulika on 6H from 11H) who have had unnatural death (Ma-Sa)
is the cause of the trouble.

Could you please confirm if any unnatural death of your close relatives

Resolving the above mentioned curse will lead to marriage
between 20Mar12 to 29Mar12.

Was marriage planned in the month of Dec11?

I suggest you to provide feedback on the above analysis before venturing
into the marital life of your sister.

Good luck.

Time of Judgement   22  1  2012          :  10  46                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Jup,Sat,Jup,Sat

Mo  :  Sg Jupiter[1, 9, 10, ]-Venus[11, 2, 7, ]-Saturn[7, 11, 12, ]-Mars[5, 1, 8, ]
Query justified and looks like marriage of elder sister.

Fortuna : Pi Jupiter[1, 9, 10, ]-Mercury[9, 3, 4, ]-Venus[11, 2, 7, ]-Rahu[8, ]
Marriage will be celebrated.

1H : Ar Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Ketu[2, ]-Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Sun[10, 6, ]
Query justified

7H : Li Venus[11, 2, 7, ]-Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Venus[11, 2, 7, ]-Rahu[8, ]

11H : Cp Saturn[7, 11, 12, ]-Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Jupiter[1, 9, 10, ]-Ketu[2, ]
Your desire will be fulfilled. Rulers of 11H and your sister's lagna are
same => Elder sister.

12H : Aq Saturn[7, 11, 12, ]-Jupiter[1, 9, 10, ]-Sun[10, 6, ]-Sun[10, 6, ]

5H : Ca Moon[9, 5, ]-Mercury[9, 3, 4, ]-Jupiter[1, 9, 10, ]-Ketu[2, ]

8H : Sc Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Saturn[7, 11, 12, ]-Mercury[9, 3, 4, ]-Sun[10, 6, ]

Mandi        9 Ge 25  Aardra 1       -   61%    --     Pratyak   Me   Ju   Rh   Ju
Gulika      29 Ta 29  Mrigasira 2    -    5%    --     Kshema    Ve   Me   Ma   Sa

Gulika on 3H in Ma*-Sa sub => Pretha shapa.

6Ma, 7Sa, 8Rh :-(

12 Sa
 5 Ke Mo Ju
 8 Ve Rh Sa Ma

Marriage before 15Jun12 promised.

24Jan MaR => Improvement in the situation
 8Feb SaR  => Changes in marital affairs.

Venus    Saturn    Jupiter    Ketu    20-Mar-12
Venus    Saturn    Jupiter    Venus    29-Mar-12

Sun Tr(Ju-Sa) during 4week of Mar12.

Your Name:Nisha
Subject*:Marriage Prediction
Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:5

I am very much worried about my sister's marriage. she got engaged and the very next day it was her marriage, but due to some disputes the marriage didnt performed and it breaked.

Now I want to know when she will get married? whether with same guy ? will there any other breakup ? how will be her married life in future ?

DOB : 28/02/1980
TIme : 07.10 a.m
Place : Jaipur (rajasthan).

Kindly help me .


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Hema said...
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Anonymous said...


Thanks So much Sir, As you have asked me two questions , here I am replying for the same.

My paternal uncle had unnatural death in the month of september or october 11, In maternal side my cousin had unnatural death in 2010

Yes engagement performed on 30th december 11 and marriage was on 31st dec 11 ( not performed)

Let me know further about it.

Addoor said...

Dear Nisha,

Thank you very much for the quick feedback.

Prashna chart shows that these 2 persons (who had unnatural death) has not got proper solace to their soul.

Please get in touch with competent purohits to resolve the same. Once this is done your sister's marriage will happen very quickly. I am expecting positive development on 24Jan12 and 8Feb12.

I wish your sister quick marriage and happy married life soon.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reply Sir, I did ask my parents and they said after both of these deaths other marriages are done in are relations.

Can there be other reason also instead of these deaths.

Will she get married with the same boy ? if not then please tell about the nature of the boy.

Thanks in advance, hope to hear from you soon.

Anonymous said...

sorry Sir, but marriage didnt perform in the given period.

Anonymous said...

sorry Sir, but marriage didnt perform in the given period.