
Chant or Listen to prescribed mantra any time, any where, any number of times.

For better effectiveness, you can chant or listen 28 times along with pranayama.
The result will be very good if your perform above process 4 times a day (i.,e 28 * 4).

You will start feeling the positive change within two days and positive result within a week

 Gayathri mantra
Vishnu Gayathri mantra

Om Narayanaya Vidmahe
Vasudevaye Dhimahi
Tanno Vishnuh Prachodayat

Eashwara Gayathri mantra

Om Tat Purushaya Vidmahe
Mahadevaya Dhimahi
Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat

Navagraha Gayathri mantra
Surya Gayathri mantra
Chandra Gayathri mantra
Kuja Gayathri mantra
Budha Gayathri mantra
Guru Gayathri mantra
Sukra Gayathri mantra
Sani Gayathri mantra
Rahu Gayathri mantra
Ketu Gayathri mantra


Beena said...

Sir...thank u for sharing these wonderful manthras.
Which is savithra gayathri manthra Sir? Will it be useful for my son?

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

It would be wonderful to have these shlokas in Hindi/Other Indian scripts too.

Anonymous said...

It would be wonderful to have these shlokas in English/Other Europian scripts too.

Vastu Shastra Blog said...