Friday, June 08, 2012

abdominal disease - rakesh singh shrinet

Dear rakesh singh shrinet,

You can press (like pumping), the area related to stomach, abdomen. It would be better if you can apply acupressure to hands and feet to check if you can identify the area of affliction.

Good luck

Time of Judgement   8  6  2012           :  20  59                 :BANGALORE
HOR NO :  63
RPs :   Jup,Ven,Ket,Jup

Mo  :  Cp Saturn[4, 7, 8, 9, ]-Moon[7, 1, 2, ]-Venus[11, 11, ]-Moon[7, 1, 2, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Aq Saturn[4, 7, 8, 9, ]-Jupiter[11, 6, 10, ]-Ketu[11, ]-Moon[7, 1, 2, ]

1H : Ca Moon[7, 1, 2, ]-Jupiter[11, 6, 10, ]-Moon[7, 1, 2, ]-Moon[7, 1, 2, ]
Query justified

Nature of disease:
6H : Sg Jupiter[11, 6, 10, ]-Ketu[11, ]-Venus[11, 11, ]-Moon[7, 1, 2, ]
Ke & Venus both are in Taurus and signify cure. Both are in earthy sign indicating aggravation of tridosha.
currently Venus is retro till 1Aug12, so you may not get proper solution to the disease.

11H : Ta Venus[11, 11, ]-Sun[11, 3, ]-Rahu[5, ]-Saturn[4, 7, 8, 9, ]
Rahu promises cure.

5H : Sc Mars[2, 5, ]-Jupiter[11, 6, 10, ]-Mars[2, 5, ]-Venus[11, 11, ]
Mars too promises cure.

I feel you will consult an expert between 1Aug12 and 17Sep12, who would be able to cure the disease.
Moon    Venus    Venus    Mercury    28-Jul-12
Moon    Venus    Moon    Moon    17-Sep-12

Who is the doctor?
7H : Sa-Su-Rh
=> A doctor expert in handling chemicals/poison.

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