Friday, May 18, 2012

Marriage - Sagar

Dear Sagar,

7H ruled by Sun and Jupiter indicates someone with noble thought and magnaimous, religious minded and loving person having good health and fortunate to you.

7csl, Ju on 11cusp in Sun star and sub of Rahu indicates some one known to your family who would have been related to you either being your neighbour(3) or being connected to you co-borns(3).

You would be recieving some communication/proposal between 10Jun12 and 27Jun12. Marriage would likely to be celebrated between 17Jul and 4Aug12.

Good luck.

Ketu    Sun    Jupiter    Jupiter    10-Jun-12
Ketu    Sun    Jupiter    Mercury    15-Jun-12
Ketu    Sun    Jupiter    Ketu    17-Jun-12
Ketu    Sun    Saturn    Saturn    27-Jun-12
Ketu    Sun    Mercury    Mercury    17-Jul-12
Ketu    Sun    Ketu    Ketu    4-Aug-12

Time of Judgement   18  5  2012          :  9  35                  :BANGALORE
RPs :   Mer,Jup,Mer,Rah

Mo  :  Ar Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Ketu[11, ]-Sun[11, 3, ]-Sun[11, 3, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Ge Mercury[10, 12, ]-Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Mercury[10, 12, ]-Venus[11, 4, 11, ]
Your Name: sagar
Subject*:regarding marriage.
Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:65

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