Thursday, May 17, 2012

Marital status - Ananymous

Dear Ananymous,

Current Dasa-bukthi etc rulers indicate that the person about whom you are thinking is not married
and most likely his/her marriage would have got cancelled some time ago.

Analysis from 7H
Mer(9) in star of retro Venus(11) => Unfulfilled desire
Jup(6L)-Su*(10)-Rh(4) => Same
VeR(11)-Ma-SaR(7,8,2) => Same
Trine aspect of Saturn to Venus indicates delay.

He/She would get married after 1Aug2012.

Good luck.
Mercury    Jupiter    Venus    Moon    10-May-12
Mercury    Jupiter    Venus    Mars    22-May-12

Time of Judgement   17  5  2012        :  21  21                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Jup,Ket,Sat,Rah

Mo  :  Pi Jupiter[3, 12, ]-Mercury[3, 6, ]-Jupiter[3, 12, ]-Sun[4, 8, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Sg Jupiter[3, 12, ]-Venus[5, 4, 5, 9, ]-Mars[7, 3, 10, 11, ]-Venus[5, 4, 5, 9, ]

1H : Cp Saturn[8, 1, 2, ]-Mars[7, 3, 10, 11, ]-Rahu[10, ]-Saturn[8, 1, 2, ]
Query justified
7H : Ca Moon[2, 7, ]-Mercury[3, 6, ]-Rahu[10, ]-Saturn[8, 1, 2, ]

Your Name:Ananymous
Subject*:marital status
Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:205
Message:Dear Sir ,

I would request you to predict marital status of person who is having in my mind..

Thanks ,

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