Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Marriage : Athar hussain

Dear Athar hussain,

SaR in 3H => You are not able to muster up your confidence to propose.
7H => She will accept your proposal.
11H => Possibility of marriage.

If you propose the chances of marriage after 26June12 and before 5Jul12 is indicated.

Good luck

Ketu    Saturn    Mercury    Mercury    9-May-12
Ketu    Saturn    Ketu    Ketu    5-Jul-12

Time of Judgement   1  5  2012          :  10  47                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Mer,Jup,Ket,Rah

Mo  :  Le Sun[9, 1, 2, ]-Ketu[10, ]-Saturn[2, 6, 7, 8, ]-Mars[1, 4, 9, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Sc Mars[1, 4, 9, ]-Mercury[8, 11, ]-Moon[1, 12, ]-Ketu[10, ]

1H : Le Sun[9, 1, 2, ]-Ketu[10, ]-Venus[10, 3, 10, ]-Mars[1, 4, 9, ]
Query justified

2H : Le Sun[9, 1, 2, ]-Sun[9, 1, 2, ]-Rahu[4, ]-Saturn[2, 6, 7, 8, ]
7H : Aq Saturn[2, 6, 7, 8, ]-Mars[1, 4, 9, ]-Mercury[8, 11, ]-Mercury[8, 11, ]
11H : Ge Mercury[8, 11, ]-Mars[1, 4, 9, ]-Ketu[10, ]-Moon[1, 12, ]

Your Name: athar hussain
Subject*:about marriage
Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:85

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