Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Love : Clearification regarding a past relation

Dear Madhu,

Your question is if your friend alreay married?
Analysis from 7H indicates that she is already married and staying in a foreign country.

7H ruler S(2,7,11) from 7 => Already married.

DL, Ke  (7,11,2)
BL, SaR (12,5,2,7,11,6,9)
AL, Me  (6,9,12,11)

Clearly indicates married and employed in a foreign country.

Fulfillment of desire of reunion is difficult as 11csl, Sa retro in Ma*(1,5,8) and sub of Me(12,6,3)

Time of Judgement   1  5  2012          :  10  55                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Mer,Jup,Ven,Jup

Mo  :  Le Sun[12, 5, ]-Ketu[1, ]-Saturn[6, 10, 11, ]-Mars[5, 1, 8, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Le Sun[12, 5, ]-Ketu[1, ]-Mercury[12, 3, 6, ]-Mercury[12, 3, 6, ]

1H : Ar Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Venus[2, 2, 7, ]-Jupiter[1, 9, 12, ]-Venus[2, 2, 7, ]
Query justified

7H : Li Venus[2, 2, 7, ]-Jupiter[1, 9, 12, ]-Jupiter[1, 9, 12, ]-Venus[2, 2, 7, ]

11H : Aq Saturn[6, 10, 11, ]-Rahu[7, ]-Saturn[6, 10, 11, ]-Mars[5, 1, 8, ]
Your desire will be fulfilled.

Ketu    Saturn    Mercury    Mercury    24-Apr-12

Your Name:Madhu
Subject*:Clearification regarding a past relation
Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:15

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