Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Partha decision#68 - Your suggestion will succeed & result by end of today (3Jan12)

Dear Partha,

Time of Judgement   3  1  2012          :  13  28                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Mar,Ket,Sat,Rah

Mo  :  Ar Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Ketu[11, ]-Saturn[3, 7, 8, ]-Mars[2, 5, 10, ]
Query is related to success(11) of solution(5) communicated/suggested(3)
by you is valid

Fortuna : Li Venus[7, 4, 11, ]-Jupiter[9, 6, 9, ]-Moon[10, 1, ]-Ketu[11, ]

1H : Ca Moon[10, 1, ]-Saturn[3, 7, 8, ]-Ketu[11, ]-Moon[10, 1, ]
11H : Ta Venus[7, 4, 11, ]-Sun[6, 2, ]-Venus[7, 4, 11, ]-Moon[10, 1, ]
5H : Sc Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Saturn[3, 7, 8, ]-Venus[7, 4, 11, ]-Moon[10, 1, ]

10H : Ar Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Ketu[11, ]-Rahu[5, ]-Mercury[5, 3, 12, ]

As 5 & 11csl, Ve S(10,1,11), your suggestion will succeed and no need to worry about
if it will be accepted or not.

You will come to know about the result by end of today (3Jan12)

Good luck!

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