Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Arun sister Job#19 - Govt job between 6-Apr-14 and 1-May-14

Dear Arun,

Time of Judgement   3  1  2012          :  13  40                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Mar,Ven,Ven,Rah

Mo  :  Ar Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Ketu[1, ]-Saturn[6, 10, 11, ]-Mars[5, 1, 8, ]
Query related to Govt(10) job(6) of younger sister (as Ke => Me(3L))

Fortuna : Le Sun[8, 5, ]-Venus[10, 2, 7, ]-Rahu[7, ]-Mercury[8, 3, 6, ]

1H : Ar Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Sun[8, 5, ]-Sun[8, 5, ]-Venus[10, 2, 7, ]
Query justified

11H : Aq Saturn[6, 10, 11, ]-Rahu[7, ]-Sun[8, 5, ]-Venus[10, 2, 7, ]
As 11H rulers are well connected to (2,6,10,11), your desired will be fulfilled.

Analysis from 3H.
3H : Ge Mercury[8, 3, 6, ]-Jupiter[12, 9, 12, ]-Jupiter[12, 9, 12, ]-Ketu[1, ]
Ju ruling both star and sub => Teaching profession. Also 10L is Ju.

10H from 3 is 12H
12H : Pi Jupiter[12, 9, 12, ]-Mercury[8, 3, 6, ]-Moon[12, 4, ]-Ketu[1, ]
Mercury in the 6H and sub Mo (2L) in 11H => good career.

6H from 3 is 8H
8H : Sc Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Mercury[8, 3, 6, ]-Rahu[7, ]-Mercury[8, 3, 6, ]
Mercury in 6H and sub lord Rah S(3,6,11) => Very good as far as career is concerned.

As 1H star and sub are ruled by Sun and Venus being the star lord of Sun in the 10H =>
she will get a govt job (1H is 11H to 3H).

She will get govt job between 6-Apr-14 and 1-May-14 (Venus    Venus    Mars    Mars)

Good luck!!

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