Thursday, December 22, 2011

Nenad Career - Successful satisfying career after 6Mar13

Dear Nenad,

Nuuber 18 is more connected to marriage related house and 65 towards job. So I am switching the numbers.

Time of Judgement   22  12  2011       :  9  21                  :BANGALORE
RPs :   Sat,Moo,Jup,Sun

Mo  :  Sc Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Jupiter[10, 6, ]-Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Venus[7, 4, 11, ]
Query related to job
Fortuna : Ta Venus[7, 4, 11, ]-Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Jupiter[10, 6, ]-Ketu[11, ]
Very successful promising career will fame.

1H : Ca Moon[4, 1, 2, ]-Jupiter[10, 6, ]-Rahu[5, ]-Mercury[5, 12, ]
Query justified

6H : Sg Jupiter[10, 6, ]-Ketu[11, ]-Venus[7, 4, 11, ]-Sun[6, 3, ]
10H : Ar Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Ketu[11, ]-Ketu[11, ]-Moon[4, 1, 2, ]
11H : Ta Venus[7, 4, 11, ]-Sun[6, 3, ]-Jupiter[10, 6, ]-Ketu[11, ]
Your desire will be fulfilled.

Mo, Sa, Ju, Rh/Ma

Jupiter    Rahu    Saturn    Moon    6-Mar-13
Jupiter    Rahu    Saturn    Mars    18-Mar-13

Good career transition is seen from 6Mar13 onwards.

Good luck!


NedPetrov said...

Thank you very much for answering to my questions.Hope that your wordsand predictions will be right.Are there any chances that you can conclude in what area will my career work for me for the best and will something small start in 2012?I ask this because I am in shortage of financies now.

Addoor said...

I will get back to you tomorrow on this.

NedPetrov said...

I hope you can see to this question some more.Thank you very much in advance and for your time.

NedPetrov said...

I hope you can see to this question some more.Thank you very much in advance and for your time.