Thursday, December 22, 2011

Nenad Marriage - Love marriage in the month of Jul 2013.

Dear Nenad,

Number 18 is more connected to marriage related house and 65 towards job. So I am switching the numbers.

Your marriage will be celebrated in the month of Jul 2013.

Time of Judgement   22  12  2011       :  8  51                  :BANGALORE
RPs :   Sat,Sun,Ket,Mar

Mo  :  Sc Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Jupiter[12, 9, 12, ]-Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Venus[9, 2, 7, ]
Query is related to marriage

Fortuna : Pi Jupiter[12, 9, 12, ]-Mercury[7, 3, 6, ]-Venus[9, 2, 7, ]-Sun[8, 5, ]

1H : Ar Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Venus[9, 2, 7, ]-Ketu[1, ]-Moon[7, 4, ]
Query is related to marriage

2H : Ta Venus[9, 2, 7, ]-Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Venus[9, 2, 7, ]

7H : Li Venus[9, 2, 7, ]-Jupiter[12, 9, 12, ]-Ketu[1, ]-Moon[7, 4, ]
Marriage is promised

5H : Le Sun[8, 5, ]-Venus[9, 2, 7, ]-Moon[7, 4, ]-Jupiter[12, 9, 12, ]
Chances of love marriage is indicated

11H : Aq Saturn[6, 10, 11, ]-Rahu[7, ]-Venus[9, 2, 7, ]-Sun[8, 5, ]
Your desire will be fulfilled.

RPs: Su, Sa Ju Rh/Ma

Jupiter    Rahu    Saturn    Sun    11-Jul-13
Jupiter    Rahu    Saturn    Moon    17-Jul-13

Good luck!


NedPetrov said...

I forgot to ask will this marriage you are talking about be with the woman I am now or will I meet some other and will it bring some good and healthy children?

Addoor said...

This is the woman with whom you are currently in love.
Fortuna on 12H in the star of Me (3,6,7)- sub of Venus (7,9,2) indicates happy married life with children and travel to a foreign country is seen.
Wish you good luck!