Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Relationship - Anja

Dear Anja,

[  25  12  201:  12  50 :BANGALORE#  3 RPs :   Jup,Mer,Ven,Rah]

Prashna clearly indicates your intention of separating from the spouse. But 7csl denies separation and continuity of marital ties coupled with disharmony.
2 malefics, Saturn and rahu in the house of marital relationship is not a good indicator.
Badhaka Saturn + Rahu on 7H => Sarpa shapa.
1L, Mars being exalted => You need to calm down and need to control your temper.

1. Sarpa samkara /  Nagaradhana.
2. Prayer to Lord Shiva/16 Somavara vritha
3. Daily visits to Shiva temple and chanting "Daridrya Dukha dahana sthotra" would provide relief after 5Jan2013.

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