Monday, May 28, 2012

When will I get printer operator#75

Dear Mrs X,

Chances of getting operator after 1Aug12 is more.

Partner during S(7,11) connected to S(2,10)

Worker during S(6,11) connected to S(2,10)

1H : Ca Moon[1, 1, ]-Mercury[10, 3, 12, ]-Mercury[10, 3, 12, ]-Moon[1, 1, ]
Me(10-office, 3=Helper/printer operator)-Mo(1,10)

Time of Judgement   27  5  2012          :  11  53                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Sun,Ket,Mar,Mer

Mo  :  Ca Moon[1, 1, ]-Mercury[10, 3, 12, ]-Moon[1, 1, ]-Mercury[10, 3, 12, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Vi Mercury[10, 3, 12, ]-Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Jupiter[10, 6, 9, ]-Sun[10, 2, ]

1H : Ca Moon[1, 1, ]-Mercury[10, 3, 12, ]-Mercury[10, 3, 12, ]-Moon[1, 1, ]
Query justified

3H : Vi Mercury[10, 3, 12, ]-Moon[1, 1, ]-Jupiter[10, 6, 9, ]-Sun[10, 2, ]

6H : Sg Jupiter[10, 6, 9, ]-Venus[11, 4, 11, ]-Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Venus[11, 4, 11, ]
Your desire will be fulfilled as 6csl, Ma(2,10) in Ve*(11).

11H : Ta Venus[11, 4, 11, ]-Moon[1, 1, ]-Mercury[10, 3, 12, ]-Moon[1, 1, ]
As Ve retro so desire would be fulfilled after 1Aug12.
11csl, Me(3,10 & 12[10 from 3])- Mo (1=gain to you).

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