Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mona : want to change work and city

Dear Mona,

Best wishes to you. Your time for job change with place change is very near.
You can expect a positive change between 19May and 14Jun12.
This change will give you better status and prospects.

Good luck

Time of Judgement   17  5  2012        :  13  42                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Sun,Ven,Sat,Mer

Mo  :  Pi Jupiter[6, 2, 5, ]-Mercury[6, 8, 11, ]-Moon[5, 9, ]-Mercury[6, 8, 11, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Vi Mercury[6, 8, 11, ]-Mars[10, 1, 6, ]-Mars[10, 1, 6, ]-Venus[7, 7, 12, ]

1H : Sc Mars[10, 1, 6, ]-Saturn[11, 3, 4, ]-Saturn[11, 3, 4, ]-Mars[10, 1, 6, ]
Query justified

6H : Ar Mars[10, 1, 6, ]-Ketu[7, ]-Rahu[1, ]-Saturn[11, 3, 4, ]

10H : Le Sun[6, 10, ]-Ketu[7, ]-Sun[6, 10, ]-Sun[6, 10, ]

11H : Vi Mercury[6, 8, 11, ]-Sun[6, 10, ]-Mercury[6, 8, 11, ]-Venus[7, 7, 12, ]
Your desire will be fulfilled.

Mercury    Moon    Sun    Sun    19-May-12
Mercury    Mars    Mars    Mars    14-Jun-12

Your Name: mona
Subject*:want to change work and city
Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:149

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Good luck!

Best regards,


Unknown said...

thanks a lot for your reading sir. will keep you updated.
thanks again, mona

Unknown said...

wanted to keep you informed ... no change has happened though the time period that you mentioned got over a month ago.
thanks for your efforts though