Thursday, May 31, 2012

Income - Swarnasiri

Dear Swarnasiri,

1csl, Sa in the star of Mars (4=House, conveyance etc)

2csl, SaR in 5H in the star of 12L indicates that your current financial situation is not good. There is dearth of finance.

Income is through 2,6,10,11
6csl, Me in Mo* (5)
10csl, Rh in 6 in Sa*(5)
11csl, VeR in * of 12L, Ma

All are indicating that your finance through profession is also not sufficient.

12csl, Me in * of occupant of 5 => Your investment has sucked your money.

Do you need to borrow?
6csl=Me is in 8H to 6, 12 to 2 => Either your maternal uncle(Me, 6) or one of your family member could be of help.

But currently 6L, Ve is retro so if you approach your maternal uncle, he will not agree till 1Aug12.

Mars    Mars    Mars    Rahu    21-Jul-12
Mars    Mars    Jupiter    Venus    31-Aug-12
Mars    Rahu    Saturn    Saturn    5-Apr-13

You will be able to get financial help between 21Jul12 and 5Apr13 onwards. Mostly between 31Aug12 and 3Sep12.

Good luck

Time of Judgement   31  5  2012        :  20  54                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Jup,Ven,Mar,Sat

Mo  :  Vi Mercury[1, 2, 5, ]-Moon[5, 3, ]-Sun[1, 4, ]-Moon[5, 3, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Vi Mercury[1, 2, 5, ]-Moon[5, 3, ]-Venus[1, 1, 6, ]-Mars[4, 7, 12, ]

1H : Ta Venus[1, 1, 6, ]-Moon[5, 3, ]-Saturn[5, 9, 10, ]-Mars[4, 7, 12, ]
Query justified

6H : Li Venus[1, 1, 6, ]-Rahu[6, ]-Mercury[1, 2, 5, ]-Moon[5, 3, ]

11H : Pi Jupiter[12, 8, 11, ]-Saturn[5, 9, 10, ]-Venus[1, 1, 6, ]-Mars[4, 7, 12, ]
Your desire will be fulfilled.

Your Name:Swarnasiri
Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:33

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