Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cure for valve replacement - RamKumar Soni

Dear RamKumar Soni,

1H : Vi Mercury[7, 1, 10, ]-Mars[11, 3, 8, ]-Jupiter[8, 4, 7, ]-Sun[8, 12, ]

Mars in Leo (Heart) signifying danger/trouble(8) and 11(cure). Sublord, Jupiter being badhaka for Kanya lagna in 8H

conjunct 12L, Su indicates hospitalization and help of surgeon.

Nature of the disease is indicated by 6H.
6csl, Ke in Taurus and representing Venus.
I feel the main cause of the problem is improper working of Thyroid glands.

Retro Saturn conjunct lagna => a chronic disease / blockage.

5 & 11H ruled by Mercury and Rahu.

Mercury on 8 cusp being lagna lord and 10L => operation would be needed to solve the problem.
Rahu being in 2H in the star of 6 & 5L in 1H, SaR is favourable.

Current period is good to diagnize the problem. But I feel successful treatment would happen between 26Sep and 1Oct12.

Good luck.

Time of Judgement   19  5  2012        :  11  20                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Moo,Mer,Ven,Moo

Mo  :  Ar Mars[11, 3, 8, ]-Venus[9, 2, 9, ]-Sun[8, 12, ]-Sun[8, 12, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Vi Mercury[7, 1, 10, ]-Sun[8, 12, ]-Ketu[8, ]-Moon[7, 11, ]

1H : Vi Mercury[7, 1, 10, ]-Mars[11, 3, 8, ]-Jupiter[8, 4, 7, ]-Sun[8, 12, ]
Query justified

Venus    Sun    Rahu    Mars    18-May-12
Venus    Sun    Saturn    Saturn    9-Jul-12
Venus    Sun    Mercury    Moon    26-Sep-12
Venus    Sun    Mercury    Mars    1-Oct-12

Your Name:RamKumar Soni
Subject*:cure for valve replacement
Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:123

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