Thursday, May 17, 2012

Chest Pain - Shyam

Dear Shyam,

Prashna analysis shows that you need to consult a heart surgeon and may need to get hospitalized between 2-Jun-12 and 21-Jun-12. You will be cured between 21-Jun-12 and 6-Aug-12.

Meanwhile you can perform acupressure on your hand and foot (mainly on the middle of the left hand as depicted in the picture).

(LU-7 located on the wrist two fingers below the base of the thumb. Also useful for cold, cough headache, hiccups, chest pain, wrist and elbow problems. etc)

Get well soon.

1H : Sc Mars[10, 1, 2, 6, ]-Jupiter[7, 3, 5, ]-Moon[5, 10, ]-Mercury[6, 9, 11, ]

Mars in Leo => Heart disease(6)
Jupiter => Heart(5), trouble(7)
Moon => Heart(5)
1csl, Mo being in the star of Mercury (nerve, disease(6), cure(11,9)).

Query is valid.

Fortuna in 11H in the sub of 11L promises cure.

11csl, Jupiter being the lord of 5H also promises cure.
5H being female sign => left side.
5csl, Rh being S(1,11) promises cure.

Mercury    Sun    Mars    Mars    2-Jun-12
Mercury    Sun    Rahu    Rahu    21-Jun-12
Mercury    Sun    Jupiter    Jupiter    6-Aug-12

Time of Judgement   17  5  2012        :  10  21                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Moo,Sat,Sat,Sun

Mo  :  Pi Jupiter[7, 3, 5, ]-Mercury[6, 9, 11, ]-Sun[7, ]-Sun[7, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Vi Mercury[6, 9, 11, ]-Moon[5, 10, ]-Mercury[6, 9, 11, ]-Venus[8, 7, 8, 12, ]

1H : Sc Mars[10, 1, 2, 6, ]-Jupiter[7, 3, 5, ]-Moon[5, 10, ]-Mercury[6, 9, 11, ]
Query justified

6H : Ar Mars[10, 1, 2, 6, ]-Ketu[7, ]-Venus[8, 7, 8, 12, ]-Mars[10, 1, 2, 6, ]

11H : Vi Mercury[6, 9, 11, ]-Sun[7, ]-Jupiter[7, 3, 5, ]-Sun[7, ]
Your desire will be fulfilled.

5H : Pi Jupiter[7, 3, 5, ]-Jupiter[7, 3, 5, ]-Rahu[1, ]-Saturn[11, 4, ]

Your Name: Shyam
Subject*:Chest Pain
Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:146

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