Thursday, February 02, 2012

Hans money will be received on 6/9 Feb 12

Dear Hans,

You will receive money on 6/9Feb12.

Saturn aspecting 6csl, Ju => Little less than what is expected :-(

Good luck.

Time of Judgement   2  2  2012         :  21  41                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Mer,Sun,Ven,Rah

Mo  :  Ta Venus[11, 2, 7, ]-Moon[1, 4, ]-Saturn[6, 10, 11, ]-Mars[5, 1, 8, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Le Sun[10, 5, ]-Venus[11, 2, 7, ]-Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Sun[10, 5, ]

1H : Ar Mars[5, 1, 8, ]-Venus[11, 2, 7, ]-Jupiter[12, 9, 12, ]-Ketu[1, ]
Query justified

6H : Vi Mercury[10, 3, 6, ]-Moon[1, 4, ]-Jupiter[12, 9, 12, ]-Ketu[1, ]

11H : Aq Saturn[6, 10, 11, ]-Rahu[7, ]-Saturn[6, 10, 11, ]-Mars[5, 1, 8, ]
Your desire will be fulfilled.

Moon    Saturn    Venus    Rahu    27-Jan-12
Moon    Saturn    Venus    Jupiter    11-Feb-12

Me    2-Feb-12
Ke    5-Feb-12
Ve    5-Feb-12
Su    8-Feb-12
Mo    9-Feb-12
Ma    10-Feb-12

Moon is most favourably connected to money related houses.

BL, Sa enters Mo sub on 7Feb12.
AL, Ve tr(Ju-Sa) from 6Feb12
SL, Rh in Me-Me(6)
Sun Tr (Sa-Ma-Rh/Ju) till 10Feb
PL, Mo Tr(Su-Ve[11]-Rh) <<< RPs on 9Feb.
DL = Mo
So you will recv money on either on 6Feb(Sa in Mo sub) or on 9Feb12 (Here Sa will be in Sub of Sun)

Saturn aspecting 6csl, Ju => Little less than what is expected :-(

Your Name:Hans
Subject*:Money from Mr. Z
Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:15
Message:I am expecting money from Mr. Z. When will I receive?

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