Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ramdas Loan : Relief between 9Jul12 and 1Aug12 foreseen

Dear Ramdas,

Time of Judgement   17  1  2012         :  16  20                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Mer,Rah,Rah,Ven

Mo  :  Li Venus[6, 3, 10, ]-Rahu[3, 5,2,11,1,4,9]-Venus[6, 3, 10, ]-Rahu[3, 5,2,11,1,4,9]
Query justified

Fortuna : Ge Mercury[5, 2, 11, ]-Mars[1, 4, 9, ]-Venus[6, 3, 10, ]-Rahu[3, 5,2,11,1,4,9]

1H : Le Sun[5, 1, ]-Venus[6, 3, 10, ]-Jupiter[8, 5, 8, ]-Ketu[9, 6, 3, 10,]
Query justified

2H : Vi Mercury[5, 2, 11, ]-Moon[2, 12, ]-Ketu[9, 6, 3, 10,]-Moon[2, 12, ]

6H : Cp Saturn[2, 6, 7, ]-Moon[2, 12, ]-Ketu[9, 6, 3, 10,]-Moon[2, 12, ]

7H : Aq Saturn[2, 6, 7, ]-Jupiter[8, 5, 8, ]-Jupiter[8, 5, 8, ]-Ketu[9, 6, 3, 10,]

10H : Ta Venus[6, 3, 10, ]-Moon[2, 12, ]-Venus[6, 3, 10, ]-Rahu[3, 5,2,11,1,4,9]

11H : Ge Mercury[5, 2, 11, ]-Jupiter[8, 5, 8, ]-Jupiter[8, 5, 8, ]-Ketu[9, 6, 3, 10,]

12H : Ca Moon[2, 12, ]-Mercury[5, 2, 11, ]-Venus[6, 3, 10, ]-Rahu[3, 5,2,11,1,4,9]
12csl Ve S(5) promises loan payment.
5csl Ju S(5,8) and aspected by 12L Mo promises payment.

Currently running DBA of Rh-Ve-Sa

Rh S([3, 5,2,11,1,4,9]) in Me-Me => Multiple installment payments. 
Connection to 2,11 shows good income. 
Connection to 4,9 => loan related to home/land/property 
also Rh is aspected by Mars (=> building) from Leo (capital / city center place).

Venus (Rh-Ju) => Good income from profession(6,10) but money also 
consumed to repay the loan (5,8).

Saturn being in the star of occupant of 1H and sub of occupant of 5H
does not promise complete payment.
Next antara of Mercury (2,11) => payment.
In this during Rahu sookshma you will be able to come out of debt.

Rahu    Venus    Mercury    Rahu    9-Jul-12
Rahu    Venus    Mercury    Jupiter    1-Aug-12

You can expect relief between 9Jul12 and 1Aug12.

2, 6,7 & 10 H rulers favour job rather than business. You can run the
business in your wife's name and work in that organisation.

Good luck!!   

 Your Name:

Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:
When will I be financially free from

LOAN burdens ?

Why am not successful in business

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