Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nisha's sister marriage if Pretha shapa is resolved

Dear Nisha,

Will Nisha's sister marriage take place at the earliest if Rs. 1001 is
kept aside and performance of preta shapa vimochana conducted
after marriage?

1H => Yes
7H => Yes
2H => Yes
11H => Yes
Fortuna => Yes

Good luck.

Time of Judgement   22  1  2012          :  21  9                  :BANGALORE
# 61
RPs :   Sun,Ven,Rah,Mar

Mo  :  Sg Jupiter[10, 7, 10, ]-Sun[7, 3, ]-Rahu[5, ]-Mercury[6, 1, 4, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Ge Mercury[6, 1, 4, ]-Jupiter[10, 7, 10, ]-Jupiter[10, 7, 10, ]-Ketu[11, ]

1H : Ge Mercury[6, 1, 4, ]-Jupiter[10, 7, 10, ]-Sun[7, 3, ]-Sun[7, 3, ]
Query justified

2H : Ca Moon[7, 2, ]-Mercury[6, 1, 4, ]-Rahu[5, ]-Mercury[6, 1, 4, ]

7H : Sg Jupiter[10, 7, 10, ]-Sun[7, 3, ]-Mars[3, 6, 11, ]-Sun[7, 3, ]
Your desire will be fulfilled.

11H : Ar Mars[3, 6, 11, ]-Sun[7, 3, ]-Rahu[5, ]-Mercury[6, 1, 4, ]
Your desire will be fulfilled.


Anonymous said...

what does Pretha shapa vimochan means? how it will be performed after marriage ?

Addoor said...

Vimochana => Removing the curse by performing necessary programs/homa as per your custom.

Plese keep aside Rs. 1001 towards the above mentioned programs. Talk to your elders who know about these performance.

Good luck