Monday, January 23, 2012

JVM Gupta : financial problems success in business : No

Dear JVM Gupta,

Prashna analysis shows that you are not in a danger situation
as far as your financial conditions are concerned.

All the rulers of money related houses are showing good success through
job. Success in business is not promised.

Good luck.

Time of Judgement   23  1  2012          :  14  37                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Ven,Moo,Mer,Sat

Mo  :  Cp Saturn[3, 7, 8, ]-Sun[6, 2, ]-Venus[8, 4, 11, ]-Rahu[5, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Ca Moon[6, 1, ]-Saturn[3, 7, 8, ]-Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Sun[6, 2, ]

1H : Ca Moon[6, 1, ]-Saturn[3, 7, 8, ]-Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Sun[6, 2, ]
Query justified

2H : Le Sun[6, 2, ]-Ketu[11, ]-Saturn[3, 7, 8, ]-Mars[2, 5, 10, ]
6H : Sg Jupiter[9, 6, 9, ]-Ketu[11, ]-Mercury[6, 3, 12, ]-Sun[6, 2, ]
7H : Cp Saturn[3, 7, 8, ]-Moon[6, 1, ]-Rahu[5, ]-Mercury[6, 3, 12, ]
10H : Ar Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Ketu[11, ]-Mercury[6, 3, 12, ]-Sun[6, 2, ]
11H : Ta Venus[8, 4, 11, ]-Moon[6, 1, ]-Rahu[5, ]-Mercury[6, 3, 12, ]

All the rulers of money related houses are showing good success through
job. Success in business is not promised.

12H : Ge Mercury[6, 3, 12, ]-Rahu[5, ]-Mercury[6, 3, 12, ]-Sun[6, 2, ]

Current DBAS signify (2,6,10,11) => No dearth of income.
Sun    Venus    Mercury    Mercury    21-Jan-12
Sun    Venus    Mercury    Ketu    28-Jan-12

RPs Ve-Mo, Su, Mo  => No dearth of income/money

Your Name:J V M GUPTA
Subject*:financial problems success in business
Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:72
Message:When will I be financially free from

LOAN burdens ?

Why am not successful in business

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