Sunday, January 29, 2012

Heena : He will come back

Dear Heena,

1. Who is he?
1csl, Sa rules 8 & 9H is in the 4H.
Saturn trine to 9H. => Some person known to you
and he is a stranger.

Saturn rules 2, 6 & 10H as star lord.
=> Your family and his family members know each other. So he is an acquaintance.

Saturn rules 1, 4, 7, 10 as sublord (decision maker) => You, your mother, your spouse and his family members.

Reunion is possible only if
11csl S(2,9,11)
11csl Ju S(12,9,5,11,7,10)
There is a possibility of his and his family coming back (9,10,11).

When will you hear about this?
Sa, MaR, Me, MaR, Su
Ve, Ju Sa MaR

Mercury    Saturn    Venus    Rahu    10-Jan-12
Mercury    Saturn    Venus    Jupiter    4-Feb-12
Mercury    Saturn    Venus    Saturn    26-Feb-12

Between 4Feb and 26Feb, Jupiter sooksma
Ju is strongly signifies (11,9) and aspects 3H.
So when Moon transits Ju* (Me-Ju / Ve-Ju /Ma-Ju/Sa-Ju)
5Feb12 or 14Feb12 or 23Feb12.

Reunion is possible only after 14Apr12 as 11L Mars is retro now.

Good luck!

Time of Judgement   29  1  2012          :  21  19                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Sun,Sun,Rah,Rah

Mo  :  Pi Jupiter[11, 7, 10, ]-Mercury[8, 1, 4, ]-Saturn[4, 8, 9, ]-Mars[3, 6, 11, ]
Query justified
Fortuna : Le Sun[8, 3, ]-Venus[9, 5, 12, ]-Mercury[8, 1, 4, ]-Sun[8, 3, ]

1H : Ge Mercury[8, 1, 4, ]-Rahu[6, ]-Saturn[4, 8, 9, ]-Mars[3, 6, 11, ]
Query justified

9H : Aq Saturn[4, 8, 9, ]-Mars[3, 6, 11, ]-Venus[9, 5, 12, ]-Jupiter[11, 7, 10, ]

11H : Ar Mars[3, 6, 11, ]-Ketu[12, ]-Jupiter[11, 7, 10, ]-Ketu[12, ]
Your desire will be fulfilled.

Your Name:heena
Subject*:will he come back
Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:49
Message:Hello, Will he or his family come back ? if yes, then when ?

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