Wednesday, January 18, 2012

B N Sivakumar - Look for other girl for marriage

Dear BNSivaKumar,

All the relevant house rulers deny love marriage.
She is more career oriented.

Time of Judgement   18  1  2012       :  14  7                  :BANGALORE
RPs :   Ven,Sun,Ket,Ven

Mo  :  Li Venus[4, 7, 12, ]-Jupiter[6, 2, 5, ]-Moon[12, 9, ]-Jupiter[6, 2, 5, ]
Query justified

Fortuna : Vi Mercury[2, 8, 11, ]-Sun[3, 10, ]-Jupiter[6, 2, 5, ]-Ketu[7, 12,9,4]

1H : Sc Mars[10, 1, 6, ]-Saturn[11, 3, 4, ]-Mercury[2, 8, 11, ]-Venus[4, 7, 12, ]
Query justified

5H : Pi Jupiter[6, 2, 5, ]-Saturn[11, 3, 4, ]-Venus[4, 7, 12, ]-Rahu[1, 2,8,11,6,10]
7H : Ta Venus[4, 7, 12, ]-Sun[3, 10, ]-Mercury[2, 8, 11, ]-Venus[4, 7, 12, ]
11H : Vi Mercury[2, 8, 11, ]-Sun[3, 10, ]-Venus[4, 7, 12, ]-Rahu[1, 2,8,11,6,10]

All the relavant house rulers deny love marriage.

7H ruled by Su in 9 to 7 and Mercury in star of Venus S(1,6,10) =>
She is more career oriented.
Mercury being sublord => She may be one of the twins.

Good luck!

Your Name: B.N.SivaKumar
Subject*:Love and Marriage
Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:150
Message:Dear Sir

more than one and half years I proposed to a girl who is a superior to me in my work place she refused and gave dammed to me but still Iam thinking of her and expecting her come back, she went some where without understanding my love. Will there is a chance for me to marry her? Will she come back and accept my love? please reveal me sir.

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