Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Amit#74 - You will get the money from Mr. V on 11Jan12

Dear Amit,

Time of Judgement   4  1  2012        :  0  2                   :BANGALORE
RPs :   Mer,Moo,Jup,Mer

Mo  :  Ar Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Venus[7, 4, 11, ]-Sun[6, 2, ]-Venus[7, 4, 11, ]
Query is related to gettting the money- valid

Fortuna : Sc Mars[2, 5, 10, ]-Saturn[3, 7, 8, ]-Moon[10, 1, ]-Venus[7, 4, 11, ]

1H : Ca Moon[10, 1, ]-Saturn[3, 7, 8, ]-Jupiter[9, 6, 9, ]-Ketu[11, ]
Query justified

6H : Sg Jupiter[9, 6, 9, ]-Venus[7, 4, 11, ]-Sun[6, 2, ]-Venus[7, 4, 11, ]

S(11) : Ju Ke Mo Su Ve
RPs: Mo, Rh/Me, Ke/Ve, Rh/Ma

DBAS : Ve-Su-Me-Ju till 7Jan12.
Mo Tr (Ve-Mo-Me) on 6Jan12 between 15.33 to 19.14.
Asc Tr (Me-Rh-Ke) at 17.35.

Mo Tr(Mo-Me) on 11Jan12
You may get the money at 17.35 on 6Jan12, friday.

Good luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

Thank you very much. You have revised your prediction based on the feedback sent by me. I have received money as predicted by you on 11Jan12 at 5.18PM Bangalore.
