Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Subramanian Marriage#36 - Marriage on 3Mar12.

Dear Subramanian,

Time of Judgement   27  12  2011        :  10  42                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Sat,Rah,Mer,Sun

Mo  :  Cp Saturn[5, 9, 10, ]-Moon[9, 3, ]-Rahu[6, ]-Mercury[6, 2, 5, ]
Q valid
Fortuna : Ge Mercury[6, 2, 5, ]-Jupiter[11, 8, 11, ]-Saturn[5, 9, 10, ]-Mars[4, 7, 12, ]
Good married life is indicated.

7H : Sc Mars[4, 7, 12, ]-Mercury[6, 2, 5, ]-Venus[9, 1, 6, ]-Moon[9, 3, ]
Rahu, Mercury conjunct 7H, who are ruling planets => Marriage is promised with
a person who could be either of a twin and could have born in Ardra/Jyesta star or lagna
being ruled by Gemini who has 2 names. Happy married life, good understanding is indicated.Spouse could be religious (as 7csl Ve in the 9H).

Spouse could be beautiful and lean, economical, reasonable, practical, quick, tolerant.

11H : Pi Jupiter[11, 8, 11, ]-Saturn[5, 9, 10, ]-Rahu[6, ]-Mercury[6, 2, 5, ]
Marriage is promised who could be related to your field of work and whom you may already know.

Your time for marriage alliance has started since 20Dec11.
Marriage would be celebrated between 24-Feb-12 and 7Mar12 (Mo-Rh-Me-Sa). Mostly on 3Mar12.

Wish  your peaceful and successful married life. May god fulfill your dreams!!!

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