Time of Judgement 24 12 2011 : 21 8 :BANGALORE
RPs : Moo,Mer,Moo,Moo
Mo : Sg Jupiter[4, 1, 3, 12, ]-Ketu[5, ]-Rahu[11, ]-Mercury[11, 6, 7, 9, ]
Query is related to recieving(91,1) the communication(Me,9)
Fortuna : Sg Jupiter[4, 1, 3, 12, ]-Venus[1, 5, 10, ]-Ketu[5, ]-Moon[12, 8, ]
1H : Sg Jupiter[4, 1, 3, 12, ]-Sun[12, ]-Moon[12, 8, ]-Ketu[5, ]
Query justified
3H : Pi Jupiter[4, 1, 3, 12, ]-Saturn[9, 2, ]-Saturn[9, 2, ]-Mars[8, 4, 11, ]
9H : Vi Mercury[11, 6, 7, 9, ]-Sun[12, ]-Saturn[9, 2, ]-Mars[8, 4, 11, ]
11H : Sc Mars[8, 4, 11, ]-Saturn[9, 2, ]-Saturn[9, 2, ]-Mars[8, 4, 11, ]
3,9&11csl S(3,9,11) => Yes as Sa in 9 aspected by 3L, Ju and 11L is the star lord of Sa.
Sa => delay.
RPs: Me/Rh, Mo, Ke, JuR, Sa
Ketu Rahu Moon Mercury 4-Feb-12
Ketu Rahu Moon Ketu 8-Feb-12
Mostly on 4Feb (Ardra).
Good luck!
RPs : Moo,Mer,Moo,Moo
Mo : Sg Jupiter[4, 1, 3, 12, ]-Ketu[5, ]-Rahu[11, ]-Mercury[11, 6, 7, 9, ]
Query is related to recieving(91,1) the communication(Me,9)
Fortuna : Sg Jupiter[4, 1, 3, 12, ]-Venus[1, 5, 10, ]-Ketu[5, ]-Moon[12, 8, ]
1H : Sg Jupiter[4, 1, 3, 12, ]-Sun[12, ]-Moon[12, 8, ]-Ketu[5, ]
Query justified
3H : Pi Jupiter[4, 1, 3, 12, ]-Saturn[9, 2, ]-Saturn[9, 2, ]-Mars[8, 4, 11, ]
9H : Vi Mercury[11, 6, 7, 9, ]-Sun[12, ]-Saturn[9, 2, ]-Mars[8, 4, 11, ]
11H : Sc Mars[8, 4, 11, ]-Saturn[9, 2, ]-Saturn[9, 2, ]-Mars[8, 4, 11, ]
3,9&11csl S(3,9,11) => Yes as Sa in 9 aspected by 3L, Ju and 11L is the star lord of Sa.
Sa => delay.
RPs: Me/Rh, Mo, Ke, JuR, Sa
Ketu Rahu Moon Mercury 4-Feb-12
Ketu Rahu Moon Ketu 8-Feb-12
Mostly on 4Feb (Ardra).
Good luck!
Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for your marvelous prediction. Mr. A received PIN on 6Feb and the post was delivered at the post office on 4Feb12. I got the information at 8.00PM on 6Feb12.
Dear Srinivas,
I got in hand the letter today,at 3.p.m. on 6Feb.
Mr. A
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