Friday, December 23, 2011

Rashi Birth Time#117 - Gemini lagna at 9.57AM

Dear Rashi,

TOJ : 23Dec12 12.14PM B

RPs:Sa, JuR, Me Ma/Rh, Ve

Hence your birth time is 9.57AM and lagna is Gemini.

Also from the earlier postings, the way you have elaborated and posted multiple queries at one shot shows that Mercury has more influence on you.

Your birth chart analysis as per KP is as follows:

GEMINI rising
 People  with  Gemini  rising  tend  to  be  friendly,   communicative, flexible, indecisive, unsure, liking to do two or more things at once, witty,  clever,  very  active  mentally,  high-strung,  temperamental, nervous  or  anxious,  talkative,  superficial, and  always ready  for something different.  There may be two distinct sides to you as Gemini represents the Twins.  You have a strong need to communicate  what you already know and to learn more.   You enjoy  reading and  traveling as they both give plenty of scope for picking up new knowledge.  You need variety and can be the jack of all trades and the master of none.  You tend to go wide - for breadth, not depth.  You  may appear  confident, but you  can lack  self-confidence and  inner sureness.   You love  to talk, both with your mouth as well as your hands.  Spiritual lesson to learn:  Control  (learn to  control and  not scatter  energies and  to prioritize).  Mercury  rules Gemini  so Mercury  will be  important in
 your chart

Sun in 10th house
 You may have a desire to attain success and power  for the  benefit of others or to seek success and  power for  yourself without  thought of anyone  else.   You  want  to  shine  and  be   recognized  for   your accomplishments.  You want to be really good at  something.  There  is strong  motivation  towards  succeeding  in a  career and/or  personal achievements.  You  have the  ability to  inspire others  through your example. You are ambitious and self-aggrandizement is possible. People in high places can help or hinder your career

Moon in 12th house
This position can indicate work behind the scenes in an  institution, hospital or jail.  There may be dealings with public welfare  or those unfortunates of life.  Conscious  or subconscious  sensitivity can  be
 damaging if not held in check.  You feel  some sort  of cross  to bear which others may not be aware of and many troubles may occur.   Secret enemies may try to  take advantage  of you.   Through suffering  comes obedience.  Serving others is the safest, shortest road to God.  Teach to others what  you have learned  through your  own suffering.   Concerning vocation:  You prefer  little  or no  contact at  all with  the public  in your  job.  Symbolically, this position is the author  hidden away  in the  attic, the playwright  who will  not attend  a performance  of his  work, the behind-the-scenes  person.   The  personality  is  hidden  and may  be limited and confined. In work, these conditions are preferred in order to provide maximum security and comfort to the personality

Mars in 5th house
 There is a desire to be creative and  you will  expend much  energy in that direction.  You may be a gambler, a risk-taker, or  a speculator. You are sports-loving and enterprising and like to  have a  good time.  There may be some friction through children due to selfishness in past lives.  Attraction to and  from the  opposite sex  is fairly  certain.  Much energy will probably be directed toward dating and romance

Mercury in 10th house    
Perhaps you will write or speak as a career.  The  profession related communication like diplomacy may hold promise for you.  You  have the  ability to  communicate your ideas to others and to be recognized for them.  Your  manual dexterity and mental alertness may  lead you  to a  field where  this is  a real necessity.   You  may  have  several jobs,  as you  have a  variety of talents. There is a possibility of travel in your profession

Jupiter in 6th house
 This placement tends to  give good  health.  Any  health problems  are usually caused by extravagance and over-indulgence, too much of a good thing.  You are helpful to others and are a dependable  worker with  a sense of loyalty.  You inspire cooperation  and good  will among  your fellow workers.  You enjoy your work and give of your  time willingly.  Watch that you do not overwork or overindulge  in eating  or drinking.

Venus in 10th house
 Your pleasant disposition and  harmonious nature  make you  popular in your career and with the world  at-large. People  seem to  want to  do nice things for you,  which can  lead to  laziness if  you abuse  this energy. You have a loving and friendly approach  to the  world with  a general attitude  of optimism.   This placement  can be  favorable for public speaking and singing.   Your voice  may be  used to  please and
 inspire people.   This position  usually grants  comfortable financial  circumstances

Saturn in 4th house
 You are probably conservative  and perhaps  find security  in land  or real estate or in old, traditional ways, beliefs, things or  antiques. You may dislike change because of an unconscious fear of  the unknown.  You may have a desire to accumulate possessions, for security reasons.  There may be many responsibilities and problems in your home or family life.  You may be  somewhat of  a tyrant  or strict  disciplinarian in
 your home or with your family.   You may be a caretaker of someone or of your parents, perhaps because of a karmic debt to them. The later part of life can  be more  rewarding if you learn the lessons life has to teach you in your earlier years.  If not, then old age may not be as pleasant

Uranus in 5th house    
You definitely possess creative originality.  Your hobbies are unusual and interesting. Your desire  for independence  may make  love affairs and relationships with children unsettling. Your children may  be very
 unique, so much so that neither you nor they can understand the other.  You are disinterested in society's social games and are more concerned about your own inclinations.  Speculation can get you  into trouble  -  be careful.   Sudden gain  and sudden  loss are  possible.  Unexpected gains without  any effort  on your  part can  come to  you, which  may generate an attitude within that you just can't  lose.  Watch  out for
 that.  Your love life  is unusual,  sometimes maybe  even wild.   Your approach   to   romance   and   dating  may   be  somewhat   cavalier, unconventional and/or rebellious"

Neptune in 6th house    
Strange things can happen  at the  workplace or  to your  health.  You seek to serve and to perhaps nurse and take care of others.  Sometimes it may be difficult for you to get  started on  your work  or to  work
 logically and systematically in order to  get the  job done.   In your work, you may encounter people who are ""two-faced"",  causing you  pain and  suffering.   You  are  extremely  sensitive  to  your   workplace conditions and you need pleasant and peaceful surroundings.   If these are not present, then you may experience unusual  health difficulties, some of which may be real and some  of which  are only  in your  head. You  are  a psychic  sponge that  absorbs the  atmosphere around  you.  Herbal healing or holistic  techniques may  work better  for you  than traditional  medical  techniques.   You  are capable  of making  great     sacrifices in your work. Just don't play the martyr.

Pluto in 4th house
 You may have a  good imagination  and intuitive  ability.  There  is a desire for a loving home atmosphere, yet power struggles and  a desire to wear the pants in the family may cause problems.  The influence  of one or both parents is strong for good  or ill.   Perhaps one  or both are manipulative or controlling. You may  possess an  explosive temper due to the inner tension at home. You may feel  restless in  the place
     of your birth.  The home may be your place for regeneration

Rahu in the Eleventh House
Will be wealthy with high education. Will have good longevity and a lot of good subordinates.Will have high professional skill. Will be strong and will be prosperous Will have high longevity and humble. Will enjoy all comforts. May be the youngest child.

Ketu In Fifth house.: May cause break in education.

Wish you very successful life!!!

1 comment:

Rashi said...

Respected Learned Guruji,

I cannot thank you enough for the amazing work you have done. You have answered a lot of questions. May God Bless you and your loved ones.

You are a blessing to us.

I hope you received my little token of appreciation which I sent to you.

Best Regards,