Friday, December 23, 2011

Bimal Moon sign#151 - Kanya.

Dear Bimal,

TOJ : 23Dec12 12.44PM B

RPs:Sa, JuR, Me Ma/Rh, Ve

Hence moon sign is Kanya.

From the cryptic message sent by you, it looks like your lagna is Makara (Capricorn). As people born in tend to be economical, do not want to waste time in typing extra character, practical.

 People with Capricorn rising  tend to  be sensitive,  timid, business- like,  ambitious,  controlling,  reserved,  practical,  down-to-earth,
 duty-conscious, responsible,  critical, and  cold.  You  may have  had trouble communicating in early life.  Perhaps you suffer from feelings
 of inadequacy.  You overcome these feelings  through sheer  necessity, for you have determination  in achieving  your goals  and purposes  in
 life.   You  have  great  ambition and  do not  settle until  you have reached the  great heights  that you  have set  for yourself.   Money,
 position  and  power are  important to  you.  The  reserve that  often appears as part of your makeup is sometimes taken as coldness.  To you
 it seems that you are being  responsible and  simply doing  your duty.  You may have had trouble with your knees.  Any trouble with the  knees
 is the outer evidence of an inner inability to be flexible.  Spiritual lesson to learn: Sociability (lighten up).

Good luck!

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