Friday, December 23, 2011

Bimal 4th daughter future#249 - Happy married life, Marriage in Mar 2012

Dear Bimal,

Time of Judgement   23  12  2011         :  14  23                 :BANGALORE
RPs :   Mar,Ven,Ven,Rah

Mo  :  Sc Mars[6, 2, 9, ]-Mercury[8, 4, 7, ]-Ketu[2, ]-Moon[8, 5, ]
Q valid
Fortuna : Pi Jupiter[1, 1, 10, ]-Saturn[7, 11, 12, ]-Venus[10, 3, 8, ]-Sun[9, 6, ]
Happy future ahead

1H : Pi Jupiter[1, 1, 10, ]-Mercury[8, 4, 7, ]-Saturn[7, 11, 12, ]-Mars[6, 2, 9, ]
Query justified as the person is thing about marriage(7) of 4th chid (11) who had a trouble married life(6,8,12)

4th daughter is represented by 11H. So analysis from 11H as lagna
S(2,7,11) from 11H are (12,5,9) and they set the marriage timing.
11H : Cp Saturn[7, 11, 12, ]-Moon[8, 5, ]-Venus[10, 3, 8, ]-Sun[9, 6, ]
Indicates your daughter may be interested in getting married from one from the known source of her liking.

RPs: Ke/Ve, Rh/Ma, Me

Marriage is promised in the month of mar 2012.
7H ruled by Mo-Me-Ve => Happy married life is forseen and both couple will love each other and the spouse will be polite, intelligent and loving as well as handsome.

7L, Mo conjunct Rh and aspected by Mars shows your daughter has sarpa shapa that needs to be remedied by conducting sarpa samskara and naga prathiste.

I wish your daughter a happy future and good luck to you!

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