Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Sandhya : Job&Divorce #10

Dear Sandhya,

1csl=Ve S([2=Family, 7=Marriage,1=self]-Su[2,5]-SaR[6(Divorce,
disease, health), 10(Job), 11(elder sibling & fulfilment of desire])
=> Query is justified.

Analysing the chart from your elder sister's perspective(rotated 11 as 1H).
=> There is a communication gap among your sister and her in-laws.
That caused the depression and dejection. So she is thinking of going
away from the mess. Moon sitting in the 7H from her lagna shows her
husband is a moody fellow.
7csl=Mo(1,12)-Ve-Ve(3,9,10) => communication problem and lack of
coordial atmosphere(10 = 12 to 11).
But the analysis does not show end of relationship.
6Lord, Moon aspecting 1H => your sister may have developed some
problem related to her stomach(may be indigestion due to
depression/everyday tension).
Solution to the problem.
Venus being both badhaka and yoga karaka for your sister and being 4L
indicates praying to Mother Lakshmi to solve her personal problem
will yield relief.

Good luck.
[8Jun11 : 16.05 : B]

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