Wednesday, June 01, 2011

BNS Marriage#204

Dear BNS,

1csl Ma(3,11,10)-Ve(3,9,4)-Ju(3,12)
Query is valid as Mo in the house of mother being lord of house of
marriage and sub of labhadipathi.

7csl=Mars => neighbour, engagement, success, family of father.
Ve (*L of Ma)=4(Mother),9(Father),3(negate mother side).
Note Mars aspects 7,9,10 &11house.

Jupiter negates marriage with mother's side girl(3H). Ju aspects 8,9 & 12H.
Connection to 9H suggests someone from father's family residing near
to your house earlier but moved to different place now.

Good luck
[1Jun11; 15.21; B]

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