Monday, May 30, 2011

PostQuery: relationship

Your Name:Annonymous
Your Email Address*
Horary Number (Between 1 to 249)*:23
Message:Yes sir, I have considered ending this relationship. I'm just having a hard time letting go. I guess I'm hanging on trying to figure out if what we have is redeemable or if it's worth being redeemed.

birthday: 1/25/1986
birth time: 6:05 p.m.
birth place: lake charles, luoisiana USA (coordinates 30n14 93w13)

birthday: 10/23/1988
birth time: don't know exact time
birth place: geismar, louisiana USA (coordinates 30n12 91w01)

Why do you suggest ending it? Just curious if there are any particular reasons you are focusing on.

At what point in my life do you see me entering my next relationship and do you have a description of this person? Also, do you see me having children?

Thank you for your time and insight.

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